Tuesday, August 24, 2010

My first steps to blogging

After the continuous pushing by my beloved brother, mentor and friend Mr. Praveen Krishnan, I made my mind to make a silent entry to the world of blogging. He says its a pretty good way to put my thoughts and confusions and still make money out of it. After all, felt his suggestion was good (no, not because of the money part). It always takes a Praveen Krishnan to make me start things.
First thing I asked when he pushed me is for a suggestion to my blog title. Very cleverly he asked me to do it myself as he thought I was good at it. That put me in unnecessary pressure. Am I good at it? What name will make him impressed. I was clueless, nevertheless I needed a name. I realized it do not have to be of some meaning or ideology. This needn't really reflect what I am. I had one word which was final - Krsna, from my last name Krishnan. Now I just wanted something to follow it. So came up with the idea of wits and nuts (ya, the same nuts 'are you nuts'?). Coz, I am sure bloggers may ask me that question, if anyone reads it. But whats is so good in nuts and wits. So I added some alphabets to make it look absurd and perhaps catchy. I mean, why do people blog? They want others to read it and in fact, they are marketing their ideas. I thought this name - 'Krsna's knuts & whits' will catch some eyes.
My God! there is no spell check seen below 'whits', so it has some meaning. My dictionary helped, it means "A tiny or scarcely detectable amount". So the selection of absurd words for my blog title didnt go as planned. Great beginning. There is nothing that excites me more than the first setback. That tells I am in the right path.
So, what am I to blog? Again, my brother says 'make sure your fascination with nationalism is written. ya fixation with Bhagat Singh & Bose be written.. Write about your confusion, loneliness and your moments in Saudi Arabia. Infact document your Saudi Life, all of it'. OK, thats a good start.
So am I patriotic, idiotic, sarcastic (cant think of other words that ends with 'ic' and reflects behavior, so stopping here) or all of it? He says write whatever u want, so I am here to begin a blog with my random thoughts and takes on everyday news.
Would you please give me a warm welcome for the future star of blog. Thank you.

Vipin Krishnan

1 comment:

  1. Good Start...Infact better way to hv a self review n asking yrslf some Q's which make yr brain to go on a roller coaster ride rather searching yr face value on matrimonial sites :) lolzzz..
